Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, June 23, 2024
Be Love, Tenderness and Compassion
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady to Gérard in France on June 4, 2024

Virgin Mary:
My dear children, God has promised to put an end to the Republic. On this Saint Clotilde's Day, when we celebrate the one who gave France a Christian King, everything must disappear; that which destroys this beautiful country, this Land of Plenty where it was good to live under Kings faithful to Our God. We must value everything that was done during the reign of the Royalty. Everything must be done. I am counting on you, My dear children, to give France this moment when God will revive it. Be careful and keep suicidal thoughts away from you. Amen †
My dear children, My Friends, do what has just been entrusted to you. Be faithful to the Divinity that I want to establish for you. Everything is planned, it is up to you to follow the path that has been opened for you, so that you can have victory. This is called the Kingship of My Heart. Follow the path that I show you without undoing it. I am the one who wants you. Amen †
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, We bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen †
Peace will be what you make of it. Be Love, Tenderness and Compassion. Give your voice to God, give yourselves only to one God, one Lord, Myself. My Heart is open to you: enter it! Amen †